Writer Feature: Raeesah (@raeesahwritess)

Welcome to another interview! This one is with Raeesah (@raeesahwritess on Instagram). She’s an eighteen year old writer of young adult and teen fiction, and she’s been writing since she was eight years old. You can find her website here.

What are you currently working on? When/where will it be available to read?

I finished writing The Goal. It’s got just over 100 000 words so that’s available to read. I’m currently writing another book but you can read that as I update.

Describe the first thing you ever wrote

I just turned 8 and my grandpa was in hospital with cancer. I wrote him poems about how he’d get better.

Can you share a quote/sneak peek from a current project?

“You’ve been carrying this burden for too long. You’ve been suppressing your anger and forcing yourself to forget it. You can’t just let that go. Channel it into a different emotion. Mourn. Allow yourself to grieve instead of blaming yourself. Even after what you just told me, even if you begin sobbing right now-” I pulled him down closer to me so that I could whisper. “I’m still going to love you.”

What is a unique writing “quirk” that you have?

I’m not sure[.] I think maybe it’s that I tend to go all in when writing a book. I can plan the entire thing from start to finish in a few hours.

What are your favorite, and least favorite parts of writing?

My favourite is getting to create these characters and worlds. My least favourite is the same thing[.] Just because of how tiring and difficult it is.

What is your “formula” for writing a good character?

I don’t really have one. Usually I sit with a notebook and map out the character’s personality. I don’t go in with a specific goal. I start with the traits first and then go ahead with whatever I end up with. 

What inspired you to start writing? What inspires you to keep writing?

All of these amazing authors that I have the pleasure of calling my friends. Specifically, Nicole Nwosu. She’s the main person who gave me confidence to put my work out there. I’m really thankful for her. Her debut novel just came out btw!

Where do you get inspiration? How do you develop that into a plot?

Usually I just daydream. Ideas come to me in the shower. Or I could sit for hours and just plan.

What advice would you give a less experienced writer?

I know that everyone says this but just keep writing! No matter what anyone says, continue to strengthen your skills. It’s all worth it. There’s no better feeling than completing a book or hearing people say that they loved reading it.

Thank you to Raeesah for her interview! If you would like to be interviewed for my blog, send me a message on Instagram @elizarkent.